Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dry Spell

Well, we're having a dry spell -- and that is both good and bad. Good, because we have no more leaks in the roof. Mike figured out that the problem was that the "spider arms" on the swamp cooler were out of whack -- sending water into the fan instead of onto the evaporative pads. So, all of that water ran down the duct work and was leaking out of a joint, which caused the second (and who knows -- maybe even the first) "leak" that we had. We left the hole in the closet for a couple of weeks and several rain storms -- just to be sure things stayed dry and we felt confident enough about it today to patch the hole (and repair the ceiling in the hall). I've done my initial taping and mudding, and I'll finish up with the texturizing tomorrow. Then I'll paint everything on Wednesday, as I have the day off work.

The other dry spell is not so great. No wins to report in the past several weeks. I did win a $200 QVC gift certificate in June and sent the affidavit back on that, but I haven't actually received it yet. I think I'll hang onto that and use it for Christmas (along with the Wii win), since Mike still might not have a job and things could be really tight. I keep hoping that we'll get a really big another car, or $25,000 in cash, or a really nice trip (Italy or Greece would be GREAT since we had to cancel our cruise there this year due to the economy and the job situation). I am not sending out a ton of entries -- mainly because I just don't have the time and I'm trying not to spend a lot in postage -- but I still get a couple bundles of entries out each week. And, as I've learned time and time again, it only takes one lucky entry to win great prizes. My car, $20,000 in Home Depot gift certificates, and a couple of trip wins were all from one entry each.

It's a scorcher outside today (nearly 100 degrees), so I'm going to pour myself a big glass of ice water and sit in the media room (the coolest room in the house) and do some sweepstakes entering tonight. I got a lot done today around the house -- so I deserve a little break, dreaming about how nice a big win would be!

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