Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wins so far this year

I had a couple of nice wins in January. Both were surprizes, because I had entered and then forgot about entering the sweepstakes. One was a local drop-box entry for a $100 debit card, so that is going to come in handy! The other was delivered the other day --

We got a Blu-ray player for Christmas (to attach to one of the big screen TV's that we won last year). But we hadn't purchased any blu-ray discs to watch on it -- so this was a fun win! Even though we don't have any little kids in the house anymore, I'm always up for a good Disney animated movie! Plus, the movies that I'm not that into (like Tinkerbell and Santa's Buddies), will make great Christmas presents for my nephews. This win was valued at about $350! What was surprising to me (after going back and reviewing the sweepstakes rules) was that this was a national online sweepstakes, with unlimited entries. I think I entered only ONE time!

We're just waiting for word on a couple of local drop-box sweeps that we entered very heavily around Christmas -- one for a 42" big screen TV and the other to be in a dice roll to win a Harley motorcycle. I'm hoping all of our work pays off for both of those!

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